Solar Panels
Our 452.5 kW system, or 1,331 Solar Panels, on the HQ roof provides approx. 35% of our annual electricity. Why Solar: • Sustainability & social responsibility are important parts of Sirna’s culture & values • Reduce our carbon footprint • Increase employee morale • Reduce consumption of fossil fuels lowering greenhouse gases & pollution • Reduce our operating costs – 40 years of energy at fraction of the cost.
Building Siding
The siding inside and out is a blend of real maple siding and TruGrain composite siding. The material is comprised of rice husks, agricultural waste by-product, and synthetic plastics. TruGrain is 100% recyclable and has a much longer life span than wood.

Reclaimed Wood
Rustbelt Reclamation created multiple tables for the facility. Rustbelt is the industry leader in the production of furniture made from reclaimed wood. The tables were constructed from reclaimed wood from a tobacco barn in Kentucky.
LED Lighting
All the lighting throughout the addition is LED on motion sensors to both conserve energy and to be more efficient. The initial investment was a bit more than a traditional lighting scheme but the ROI will be extremely progressive. The conservation of energy is huge for a facility that is in use 24/7.

ECO-Friendly Gas
We use ECO-friendly gas for our refrigeration needs.
Both our facilities have a cardboard baler located in the warehouse. Every department in the company helps by recycling cardboard and paper.