At times you may receive product that you would like to return.
Same Day Credits
If a credit needs to be issued for same day for a product that was an over order, bad quality or not on the truck, the driver will issue the credit at time of delivery. The driver will call the office, write the credit number and amount on the bottom of the invoice. This is your credit and you will not receive a hard copy unless otherwise requested.

Previous Delivery Returns
If a credit needs to be issued for a product that was previously received, an RMA will need to be issued for pick up. Please call the office and talk to a customer service rep within 48 hours of receiving the product to have this done. Do not throw away any product without prior authorization or we will not be able to issue an RMA. The RMA will print with your next delivery. The driver will pick up the product and bring it back to the warehouse. Once at the warehouse the credit department will determine if a credit is to be issued and you will receive a printed credit. The RMA is not the finished credit.