Value Added Services
When choosing a produce company the ideal choice is one that stands out above the rest; a company that can offer what no other company can. Sirna & Sons Produce is that ideal choice. We have many value added services from which our accounts can benefit. We distribute our fresh arrivals 6 days a week to restaurants, hotels, country clubs, schools and institutions throughout Ohio, Central Pennsylvania and Northern West Virginia.

We support local farmers with our wide offering of local produce. Not only do we offer as much local produce as possible, we now have the ability to process locally grown produce via our new state of the art, women owned, Kosher and Primus GFS Certified on-site produce processing facility.
Sirna & Sons Produce stands out amongst the competition by continually offering added support and new ideas, while maintaining consistent customer service, safety, quality and values you have come to know and expect from the Sirna Family team.

Key benefits that make us Stand Out…
- Customer Service Representatives – Our CSR Team is here to help, answering the phones live Monday – Friday and Sunday 9 a.m.- 8 p.m., and Saturdays from 9 a.m.- 5 p.m. You are always welcome to leave a message outside those times, or contact your designated sales rep.
- Ease of Ordering via phone, fax, web, new custom phone/ tablet app
- Computer system Produce Pro – We can run any report you need. – EDI transfers that integrate with other systems. – Document exchanges between systems.
- 6 day, Monday-Saturday delivery in our environmentally friendly trucks
- Hot shot orders-emergency order delivery via our refrigerated sprinter van
- Sustainability – We have replaced all lighting with LED motion sensors to both conserve energy but also to be more efficient. – The siding, inside and out, on the building is a blend of real maple siding and TruGrain composite siding. The material is comprised of rice husks, agricultural waste by-product and synthetic plastics. TruGrain is 100% recyclable and has a much longer life span than wood. – Rustbelt Reclamation has created multiple tables for our facilities. Rustbelt is the industry leader in the scalable production of furniture made from reclaimed wood. The tables were constructed from reclaimed wood from a tobacco barn in Kentucky. – Each facility has a cardboard baler located in the warehouse. Every department helps by recycling cardboard and paper. -We use ECO friendly gas for our refrigeration needs. – Solar System- 35% of our Energy needs are Solar. We have a 24-hour live stream that shows how much our carbon footprint has decreased and the environmental benefits.
- Audit scores – our facilities are Primus GFS approved scoring over 99%
- Dedicated Territory Managers
- Food Safety – All doors to get inside the building are locked at all times. – All the doors inside the building have security key pads so without clearance you will not get into that part of the facility. – A separate inbound freight lane for those delivering loads of product equipped with security gate, call box and surveillance camera.
- Local – We offer a variety of local products year-round (more when in Season). – Tour the local farms we use.
- Market – Get emailed weekly updates. – Find out first when there’s a market alert.